Review some of our frequently asked questions. Should you wish to have a question of yours answered and possibly submitted to our site, please contact us.

What is a rocket?

A rocket is a single shell that once lit thrusts into the air and then explodes into a sky filling effect that everyone in the crowd will enjoy.

How do you set up a rocket?

When you purchase your rocket you will also receive a plastic launch tube, you must firmly place this plastic tube into the ground so it is facing vertically (angled slightly away from the audience). Then slide the rocket inside the tube ensuring the stick does not dig into the ground. Once ready, light the fuse on the rocket and stand back.

How do I know what rockets to choose for my display?

What rockets to choose depends on the type of event you are having. If it is predominantly a children’s occasion, then we suggest using a selection of the packed rockets as they are not as noisy and explosive but have great effects. If you have mainly adults attending the display then the large rockets are for you. They give off an enormous sky filling effect that wouldn’t look out of place at a professional fireworks display.

Are there different types of rockets?

Yes there are! You can get Category 2 and 3 rockets which are the ones you can buy in a retail shop and use in your garden. Alternatively, there are Category 4 rockets which are classified as professional rockets which are used for professional fireworks displays.

Are rockets suitable for a children’s fireworks display?

There are rockets that are specifically manufactured for children to enjoy. These rockets generally have a colour effect when they explode with reduced noise content, allowing children of all ages to enjoy them.

How safe are your fireworks?

We believe safety to be of the utmost importance. All our fireworks conform to British Safety Standards & European Regulations. They possess all relevant CE Marking and are licensed and approved by Trading Standards and the Health & Safety Executive (HSE), where appropriate.

Will you provide safety instruction?

Should you require information, yes we can. As a company safety is of utmost importance. Safety comes first! If you are not sure of any safety points please do not hesitate to contact us. We will be happy to help.